Originally posted by Turnbull:
This whole thread is beginning to suggest to me something I hadn't thought about before: what was Michael thinking when he decided to let Vincent get close to him and to succeed him? I'm thinking it had something to do with Anthony telling him just moments before Vincent made his appearance at the party: "I will always be your son. But I will never work for you." It may also have something to do with Michael losing it in his dotage. To repeat something Solozzo said in GF: "The Don...was slippin'."
i thought the same thing before. it seemed real odd. at first, it seemed that michael didn't really know vincent as connie said, "sonny's boy" to mike. but then, it's apparent that vincent and michael had contact because mike said he offered a job to vincent, but vinnie took a job w/ zaza.

then, after biting zaza's ear. mike takes in vincent very quickly and vincent is there by mike's side all the time.

the whole relationship felt phony and awkward. then, the incredibly awkward scene IMO when michael annoints vincent as don.

-A Streetcar Named Desire-

Stanley: You want a shot? (offers liquor)
Blanche: No, I rarely touch it.
Stanley: There's some people that rarely touch it, but it touches them often.