Originally posted by Daniel Corleone:
[QUOTE]...Yes it was contrived but at least it was better than most movies with a similar genre. How could you have created the plot? If you were given a chance. By the way, was there a time you were served a fillet mignon on a garbage can cover?...
The only thing that supposedly makes it 'better' than movies with 'similar genre', it that it had the advantage of being a Godfather sequel, made by the origingal GF writers/director and starring some of the original GF cast. Without these connections it would've probably been a dismal failure. How would I have created the plot? For one thing I've stated here before that either of Connie's children could've easily been utilized as Michael's potential successor, as opposed to the ridiculousness of creating Santino's illegitimate son. I would probably have not included the absurd story of Mary falling in love with her own cousin.

As for the 'garbage can lid', no I've never been served a dinner that way. It was a fabulous analagy used on The Cosby Show, when one of the daughter's abruptly announces she's engaged to a man her parents had never met and didn't even know she was dating. When she brings him over to meet them, despite his being a very nice young man, they do not appreciate the manner in which he was introduced. Cosby tells him that he has just been presented to them like a steak dinner on a garbage can lid.

You got any more questions for me, Daniel Corleone?


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.