Originally posted by marlon orange:
i'm no dicaprio fan....not by a long shot.... but i hope you all have to eat your words about him being a mafiosi when gangs of new york comes out....
not because i want to see leo do well, but god, i need a good scorsese movie so badly, i'll go nuts if this isn't it....
hopefully he'll get that elusive oscar....and hopefully he'll (scorsese) deserve it
This may be a bit off topic, but I also have been waiting to see this 'Gangs...' flick, and the authenticity of the setting is fantastic in the trailers. Scorsese had to publicly curse DiCaprio out on the set of 'Gangs...' for coming in late one morning smelling like weed and liquor and looking like he hadn't slept. He ran down the names of people he'd worked with (DiNiro and Pesce included) whom had sacrificed and learned new languages, gained weight and/or trained hard for parts in films along with NEVER making people wait. He then asked the kid in public what made him think he was so high and mighty...him and his stupid sinking boat movie. The director then asked him if he was gay, seeing that the scene that was to be shot that day was DiCaprio kissing Cameron Diaz. Scorsese then demanded a public apology and DiCaprio ashamedly did so. Then to top it off Martin instructed the crew that instead of the kissing scene, DiCaprio had to do a boxing scene with Oscar De Leon on a wharf with no stunt double. I know this sounds like a bunch of trashy gossip,(no...it is a bunch of trashy gossip blush )but the whole transcript of exactly what Scorsese said was in the NY Daily News (or Post) and was so funny I cried. lol

Foolish consistencies are the hobgoblins of little minds.