I was given the ok by our Sports Moderator to start this thread. It is gonna be all about me, so if you don't like it, get the hell out! :p

For anyone who doesn't know, I'm a senior in high school. I wrestle at 145 lb or 152 lb. My individual record this season is 13-6.

Here's how indivudual scoring breaks down:

Takedown - 2 pts
Escape - 1 pt
Reversal - 2 pts
Near Fall - 5 pts
Pin - no pts, match is over

Here's how team scoring breaks down:

Decision (won by 8 pts or less) - 3 team pts
Major Decision (won by 8-14 pts) - 4 team pts
Technical Fall (wrestler up by 15 pts, match immediately stops) - 5 team pts
Pin - 6 team pts
Forfeit - 6 team pts

My match today was postponed because of the snow.

"The Dewey Decimal System... What a scam that was!"