OK, fuck it. We'll do it ourselves.

Here we go...


Pick a winner for each of these games:
(wins worth (TBD) points each)

Game 1- Jets at San Diego
Game 2- Denver at Indianapolis
Game 3- St. Louis at Seattle
Game 4- Minnesota at Green Bay


Pick a winner for each of these games:
(wins worth (TBD) points each)

Game 5- Your Game 1 winner vs. Pittsburgh
Game 6- Your Game 2 winner vs. New England
Game 7- Your game 3 winner vs. Philadelphia
Game 8- Your game 4 winner vs. Atlanta

Pick a winner for each of these games
(wins worth (TBD) points each)

Game 9- Your Game 5 winner vs. your Game 6 winner
Game 10- Your Game 7 winner vs. your Game 8 winner

Week 4 - Super Bowl
Pick a winner for this game
(win worth (TBD) points)

Your game 9 winner vs. your Game 10 winner.

***TBD is "to be determined". I'm open to discussion on how the point values for each round should go.

The only problem here is one of "security". Posting your entry last, after seeing everyone else's can be considered an advantage.

So what I'm gonna do is this.....

I'm going to PM my entry to JG by 5:30 EST today. Everyone else should wait until 6:00 PM EST today, and then PM their entries to me.

The deadline will be 8:00 AM EST on Saturday.

At that time, I will post everyone's entry, and JG can post mine.

Please give me feedback on a scoring system. I'm thinking as follows....

Week 1, one point for each win, total max points: 4
Week 2, two points for each win, total max points: 8
Week 3, six points for each win, total max points: 12
Super Bowl: 16 points

"Difficult....not impossible"