Today i bought the dvd collection at 12:00 P.M., and i went home and started to watch them. It is now 11:11 P.M, and i just finished with the whole bonus disc, and Godfather I and II and a part of III. This is so awesome. It is the best pack ever made, i am glad i bought it. On the bonus disc, i was looking through the chronological, additional scenes and i came to a scene where young vito was beating one of don c's men,and it was hilarious. Tomorrow i have to watch III, and then i have to watch all three over with commentary.

P.S.: I know Godfather III drives people nuts because of Sophia Coppola's bad acting but... she is fuckin hot man...

Tony Montana

First rule of Fight Club, you do not talk about Fight Club. Second rule of Fight Club, you DO NOT talk about Fight Club. Third rule of Fight Club, when someone say "stop" or goes limp, the fight is over. Fourth rule of Fight Club, only two guys to a fight. Fifth rule of Fight Club, one fight at a time. Sixth rule of Fight Club, no shirt, no shoes. Seventh rule of Fight Club, fights go on as long as they have to. Eighth and final rule of Fight Club if this is your first night at Fight Club you have to fight.