Originally posted by Don Alessandro:
If you want to experience the movies in Italian, go to J Geoff's site where he has all the scripts typed out. Then, copy and past it onto www.freetranslations.com. Translate it from English to Italian and there ya go! But, if you're gonna do this, I suggest you ask J Geoff's permission about taking somehting from his site first.
I was just gonna recommen Free Translations. Have you noticed that if type something in ENglish, translate it to Italian,and then translate to English it means somethign deifferent?

Try copying the GF Transcript into Italian, then translating that back, you'll get different words.

For instance- I'll make him an offer he can't refuse

Might come back as

I made an offer that couldn't be refused.

It's not personal, Strictly business=

It is not personal, it is of the tight business.

Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in.
Just when I think that it is outside, they pull it supports myself in.

I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.

Port-Estou indo fazeê-lo uma oferta ele nao pode recusar.

Norweg-Jeg drar å å lage ham et som tilbud han ikke kan.

Italia-Vado farlo una offerta non può rifiutare.

Germ-Ich kann ihn ein Angebot das er nicht abweisen werde machen.

Fren-Je vais le faire une offre il ne peut pas refuser

Span-Yo lo haré una oferta él no puede rehusar.

Italian, Spanish, and French are similar.

Portuguese, Norwegian, and German are all different.