Originally posted by Snake:
Just an FYI to anyone who's never watched anything on DVD: You'll never again wanna stick in one of those bulky video tapes again (I can hear you DVD owners telling me, "Well, D-U-H!"). Seriously, though, yous gotta' scarpe up the dough and get yourself a DVD player. As far as the sequential thing goes re. GF, I think the guys at Paramount outta' at least put out a collection where we could CHOOSE how to watch it (i.e., chronological or original release). After all, this IS the 21st Century; they coulda' pulled it off. Naturally, the collection would include and compile ALL deleted scenes, Saga, Novel for T.V., etc.! But what do I know?
"Fuggidaboutit!" ohwell
I can't wait to get a DVD player and buy the DVD trilogy! I agree all deleted scenes would be good. Instead of a bonus scene disk, how about a chrono WITH bonus scene disk.

the movies theatrically are GREAT i agree. But we just can't pass up an opportunity to see EVERYTHING bonus AND chrono etc.

Since the NOVEL is only 7$. Perhaps they could screen the whoe novel onto the Bonus disk.

I DOUBT they will come out with another Trilogy DVD tho, wishful thinking.