Originally posted by Don Corpuzzi:

Have you actually tried to watch Memento the right way around? I've been tempted, but I didn't want to interfere with the director's artistic vision.

Well, there's the option of doing this on the Memento DVD (coming out here on Monday), and the way I see it, the chronological version is only there as a point of interest, the same as the Godfther Epic/Trilogy. The definitive version will always be the original director's cut, and in the same way that the strength of Memento is the sophisticated narrative, one of the strengths of the Godfather Parts I/II is the way they are constructed, plotwise.

I don't object to the re-edits, I even find them very interesting, but they will always be inferior to the original.

"I know it was you Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart."

"Mio padre se chiamo Antonio Andolini, e questi รจ per te!"