Two examples of this usually-combative topic is one player I dug in the 1980's and another that had a very sad and unfair treatment from his team's fans.

First, First-Baseman Dale Murphy was a two-time National League MVP and multi-All-Star selections. Not to mention when the Atlanta Braves, unlike today, were so damn awful in the decade of excess and of course Mr. Murphy was actually the only bright spot for many years. The guy later on played for the Phillies and ended his career with a brief stint with the Colorado Rockies. The guy has been on the Hall of Fame ballot but so far no cigar.

Second is a legendary case....Roger Maris. Most known of course for his breaking of Babe Ruth's single-season homerun record of 60 in 1961, the guy was apparently also a very good outfielder/batsman and was a two-time AL MVP. Unfortunately, the poor guy got the s*it treatment from Yankee fans because he, not Mickey Mantle, had broken the Babe's record. Not to mention that the poor guy actually lost enthusiasm to play with the Yankees and thus his production numbers fell off in the years following those two MVP trophies. Originally a Cleveland Indians farm product and later playing for the Kansas City Athletics, he finished his career with respect with the St. Louis Cardinals. The actually decent-good HBO-produced movie 61* documents Maris' run in 1961 for the record.

Another example I would like to include is Pete Rose, but I don't think he will ever get inducted in his lifetime. I mean "Shoeless" Joe Jackson is still in career jail even though hes been dead for almost 5 decades...

Anyway, post more excellent-but-not-recognized players in all sports.