Etc etc ect...

Anyway, I've watched both GF1 and GF2 and half of GF3 with commentry, and have noticed several things...

In General:

1) Its really hard to concentrate listening to the commentry, when you've got such great films going on in the background.

2) 'The Godfather Family: A Look Inside' documentry is a lot longer than the version that comes with the PAL Trilogy. It contains bits like discussing how they pulled off the killing of Luchessi etc.

The Godfather:

1) Durring the scene before Sollozzo's killing, where they discuss about the toilet etc, you see Rocco at the table as well. I never knew it was him there.

2) Although mentioned on the commentry, when Vito shows Johnny Fontain out of his office, we an extra walk onto the frame, and then back off as soon as she sees Vito (Marlon).

The Godfather: Part II:

1) At the senate hearing, when Pentangeli sees his brother, we can see Rocco sitting next to Kay. I never noticed him there before.

2) After the hit at Lake Tahoe, we see a shot of a man walking with two bodyguards. Untill I heard the commentry, I never knew it was Michael. I always thought it was Rocco coming to tell Michael that they'd found the hitmen.

3) Although this is pointed out in the commentry, this is the first time i've noticed it. During Roth's birthday party, we see his cake being carved up, which is symbolic, as he is carving up his empire to those around him.

4) The hospital where Roth is taken to is not above the Presidential Palace. When the troops first heard about the rebel takeover, they went to Batista for orders. He told them to go and get "his old freind and assoicate" Hyman Roth out of the hospital and on to a private boat.

5) At the meeting with Roth, and Michael and the golden telephone etc, we see Questat sitting behind Roth. I know someone else pointed this out some time ago, but this is the first time i've noticed it.

6) At the senate hearing, its Questat who asks all the questions e.g. "Willyou come forward and be sworn sir?" and the way he tries to stop Michael reading his statement.

7) Some mistakes on JGeoff's transcript. Geary does say "squeeze" and not "squeal" as I thought. But Fredo says "Belt you right in the teeth" not "Cheek" as in JGeoff's website.

8) When Connie comes to see Michael at Mama's funeral, the way she kisses his hand is just like a Capo, as she is being accepted into the Family.

9) When she does kiss his hand, you can see he still has his wedding ring on. So he either hasn't got divorced from Kay yet, or is just keeping it on as a memory.

10) In the final flashback, when Fredo congratulates Mike and goes to shake his hand, see how coldly Tom looks at Fredo. After Sonny throws his hand away, Fredo looks to Tom for support, but only gets a cold stare.

11) In the final shot of Michael in Tahoe, we can he still has his wedding band on. So if this is set several years after Fredo's murder, why is he still wearing it. It's either that he never got divored untill 1971 (its been 8 years ((GF3))-) or he's just wearing it as a memory.

The Godfather: Part III:

1) When Vincent shoots the seconf masked intruder, the bullet is supposed to go through his hand and then neck, but if you play it slowly, you can see that it hits him in the shoulder. Why would this kill him?

2) When Mike and Altobello take a car ride, and Mike tells him to call a meeting, I never noticed that Neri was in the car untill i saw the DVD version. Was he seen in the other versions, or is it just me?

3) When Michael as a diabetic stroke in the litchen, there are oranges on the table and in a bowl on the side.

4) Altobello tries to save Michael at the helicopter hit. First he tries to get Michael to come with him. Then in a deleted scene he bursts through the door, screaming and shooting, but is dragged back out by some bodyguards and they then put the handcuffs on the door. Also the way he tries to stop Michael from persuing Immobilaire "too difficult now". I believe that although Altobello was in with Zaza and Luchessi, he really loved Michael, and kept trying to save him.

5) At the helicopter hit, it isn't Neri who gets shot when Mike and Vincent run out. Its just some extra, who Vincent uses as a sheild. Neri sort of goes off the frame to the left. In the original shooting script, Vincent gets in a lift with a waiter, knocks him out and then steals his uniform so that he can get into a limo. Neri is nowhere to be seen. I just assume he found his own way home, as not to attract attention to Michael.

6) At the opening party, when Michael says "I'm just off to the kitchen, to hear some Tony Bennet records!" as he walks with B.J, we see B.J walk into a little girl, who looks as if shes about to cry! Altobello and FFC's mom who are sitting near, look at Mike and B.J very coldly...


Well thats it, my recent findings from veiwing the DVD's...



"If you win you win. If you lose you still win. Theres no way you can lose." Joey - Raging Bull