This deserves its' own thread. I absolutely hate this guy. He's the cockiest player in all pro sports. More then anyone. The guy was nearly late for the game yesterday, but he's not ridiculed. Iverson came to a game 1 hour before tip-off last year because his car broke down and it made the headlines for 2 or 3 weeks.

I can't stand TO. He's so over rated. He had 3 TDs yesterday after OTHER players made big plays. I believe it was Pinkston who had a 50 yard reception and then they threw a 10 yard pass to TO in the end zone. TO slammed the ball down, put his foot on the football, and then flexed his muscles for pictures. I just want to beat this guy with a bat.

The guy shouldn't even be on Philly. He should be on Baltimore or San Francisco, but he cried about it because his OWN AGENT was late in getting back to the Niners for a deadline. I'd consider going Republican if I could ban this guy from the NFL. I hate you, TO!

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur