I seems I followed my hero pl and his dawg-picking strategy at the wrong time. Who let the dawgs out? WHO? WHO? Boy they sucked this weekend. Not mentioning teams, I had 7 dawg losers. Here are the spreads and the amount of points they lost by:
1 1/2 - 27
6 1/2 - 22
7 1/2 - 27
10 1/2 - 27
1 1/2 - 10
6 1/2 - 30
2 1/2 - 24

....and the 4 winners I had.
1 1/2 - won by 11
10 1/2 - lost by 10 (covered)
7 1/2 - won by 1
3 1/2 - lost by 1

That must be why they call them dawgs.

Hey Pork, slow down will ya? Pick some dawgs.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12