Standings after Week 9

(The +/- dollar amount is based on a mythical bet of $100 per game, laying 11-10)

JG  60   9  69-61  +$ 190  Takes over top spot.
MC  60   7  67-63  -$ 230  Last year's champ right there
PL  62   5  67-63  -$ 230  Drops to 3rd with worst week of season
CB  56   6  62-68  -$1280  He's playing. Just not talking.
BD  54   7  61-69  -$1490  Picks like a Wuss
DB  55   5  60-70  -$1700  Should stick to Yahoo only
SP  59   0  59-57  -$ 370  Um, there are no "bye weeks" in this game.
Note: last weeks standings above were adjusted; I think I must have posted them before the site had the Monday Night results included.

"Difficult....not impossible"