You guys are funny... I got more replies on my little comment in parentheses than my actual question. haha.
Yeah, Brits play pretty hard, too, I agree... But truth be told, I don't get much chance to watch their matches. I used to watch Manchester games, because those were abundantly broadcast here in Los Angeles because of Beckham's celeb status, but now that he plays for Real, they don't really put them on TV as much. Not that I like Manchester very much anyway, even when Beckham played for them... they get on my nerves.
In regards to all those other leagues, ANYTHING is better than watching the MLS... American soccer is like a hick singing Italian opera.. it just wasn't made for them. And now they sign all these guys from Guatemala and Colombia to their teams in a desperate attempt to pump it up a bit, but it kind of defeats the purpose of an American league. It's kind of stupid.
HAHAHA and the best part is, now they're going to have a match at the Rose Bowl this summer with Real Madrid and the L.A. Galaxy. Bets, anyone?