At long last...our beloved Godfather films on DVD! I think all in all, it's a beautiful thing, though there are some things I'd have done differently...for would've been nice to have a box made of something a little fancier than cardboard, although admittedly that would've driven the cost up. Perhaps the first 5,000 or so could've been packaged in a real leather box or maybe a tin. But the cardboard box is also nice in it's similarity to the video and laserdisc box sets. I would've preferred to see two different box set with all 3 films and the bonus scenes edited in to their proper places in the film...and another edition where each film could be purchased seperately with the bonus scenes included with the "additional materials" but not edited into the film. Of course, for us Godfather completists, that would mean having to buy both editions, right Geoff? Ha-ha-ha! Also...I remember reading somewhere that Coppola had said there would be a quality problem involved in re-inserting the bonus scenes back into their original spots in the films..but it seems to me like there ought to be a way to get around that in today's high tech age. Incidentally I was puzzled as to why one bonus scene was not included with the others...the scene where the undertaker is preparing to meet with Vito and Tom to make funeral arrangements for Sonny and complains to his wife about not wanting to get involved in a mob war...that scene is included in the TV "Saga", but not the DVD collection. Weird! The other missing footage would probably be more accurately be described as "clips" rather than "scenes"...for instance, the clip at the end of Vito's first meetng with the undertaker where he whistles at Sonny and says..."Did you get any of this?". But for the most part I think they did a good job with including as many bonus scenes as they did. I would also like to have seen a booklet of some kind included in the package, which among other things would have featured color reproductions of the original movie posters and photos from the theater program booklets. And one last thing...I would've liked either all 3 films to be spread over 2 discs as was "The Godfather Part 2" or else have each of the 3 films contained on one disc of its' own. If spreading a film over 2 discs improves the picture or sound quality then I think they should've done that with all 3 films...but again, I recognize that would've driven the price up. The main thing...the only thing that really matters... is that at long last we can enjoy these wonderful films on DVD...and that we have this awesome web site which enables us to learn and express opinions about this subject that is so near and dear to our hearts. Once again, thanks Geoff for making that possible!