10/13 Results
JG  650  194  844
PL  585  224  809
SC  485   -4  481
Well JG, despite our scant 35 point difference and the fact that I can potentially pick up some points tonight with Pujols and Biggio against no one for you, it appears as if you are in the driver's seat.

Here's a quick chart showing the four possible outcomes of the LCS, how many players each of us will want to replace based on that outcome, and the number of trades we will have left to make the desired transactions:

              JGEOFF              PLAWRENCE
         Will Want   Trades    Will Want   Trades
         To Replace   Avail    To Replace   Avail
NY-StL         2        4          5          3
NY-Hstn        1        4          4          3
Bost-StL       7        4          4          3
Bost-Hstn      6        4          3          3
Given the most likely outcome at this point (NY-StL), you will have enough trades left to field a complete roster in the WS, while I will be two players short.

Plus, you will have two trades left over for possible tweaking, if necessary.

The only real chance I have is for the BoSox to some how beat the Yanks :rolleyes: .

The trouble with that scenario, though, is that it will require at least 6 games for them to do it, which gives you four more games of the Yankee hitters to pile up points.

For me to win this thing, I need most, if not all, of the following things to happen:

1) Boston wins next four from Yanks.
2) They hold the Yankee bats totally in check
3) Pedro pitches a great game 6 and Lieber gets racked up.
4) Mariano blows a coupla saves.
5) The Hstn-StL series goes 7 with Houston winning
6) Pujols and Biggio both have a great series
7) Clemens gets bombed in his two starts
8) Backe pitches a good game

Difficult. Not impossible.

Or, if the Yanks take out Boston in the next two, and both games are pitcher's duels and you don't get too many points, and the Hstn-StL series goes 7, and Biggio and Pujols pile up the points, and Backe pitches well and Clemens pitches poorly, and I get lucky in the WS with my short roster.....

I think at this point you should want NY-Bost to go 6 or 7, and StL-Hstn to be over quick. It doesn't make that much of a difference to you who wins, but StL in 5, with Clemens winning the only game for Houston, would be ideal.

As I said before, playing this game with only two trades per week makes it less about picking the right players, and more about picking the players from the right teams; the teams that will win their respective series, and taking the most games to do it.

"Difficult....not impossible"