Man, I gotta repeat myself? :p Stop "working" and get to business here!

This is "almost" a set-it-and-forget-it game. You can make 2 roster moves per week (unless you pay for more). It's NOT a daily game with daily picks (hear that, DoucheBag?? :p ). You're looking to pick long-haul, not day-to-day matchups.

Despite what the trade rule states below, I was able to make more than 2 trades today. I don't know for how long that will remain true.


Roster Freeze

At 12pm ET every day during the playoffs, whichever 8 players are on your roster at that time are the 8 players that will officially play for you for that day's games. You must have exactly 8 players on your roster at that time; otherwise you will not get credit for any of their play that day. If your team is missing even 1 player, your entire team will not score.

How do I draft my team?

To assemble your winning team, click on "buy and sell players". You can research which players you wish to buy by using our tools to sort by a variety of statistics. When you find a player you want to acquire, click on the position at which you want to buy him. A player who is eligible at more than one position can fill only one spot on your roster at a time.

Before the first Roster Freeze of the season (Tuesday, October 5 at 12pm ET), you can make as many changes to your team roster as you want. After that, any time you sell a player, it counts as one trade. You'll start the season with 2 free trades in your account, and each week on Tuesdays you'll get 2 more.

If you're putting together your team AFTER the first Roster Freeze of the season, be careful to buy your 8 initial players without performing any sells, otherwise you will be using up your allotted trades.

How much money do I start out with?

You start with 35,000,000 TSND to spend on your 8 players. Your total team value can never go above 35,000,000 during the season.

How often can I change my roster?

Before the first Roster Freeze of the season (Tuesday, October 5 at 12pm ET), you can make as many changes to your team roster as you want. After that, any time you sell a player, it counts as one trade. You'll start the season with 2 free trades in your account, and each week on Tuesdays you'll get 2 more.
The complete Rules can be found by clicking on the "?" and choosing Game Rules from the menu.

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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