Three Words:

T - M - I.

Too Much Information!

DB - I am still rooting for you. Please don't make this "tale of woe" be a missed opportunity for you!!

For the record: plaw's account is not typical for ALL women. :p

Some of us don't feel we compete with the internet for time; some of us DONT have a tone and boss our men around; and surprisingly, not ALL of us like to cuddle after sex. For those of us who don't smoke, our options are a bit limited. Sleeping or eating is good, I guess.

I just celebrated my 17th anniversary of being legally wed this week. I must be doing SOMETHING right. Maybe it is not naming or categorizing the sex

FS- the song:

Everybody enjoy the last day of the reg season!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....