Originally posted by SC:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] Plaw didnt change his team........
I hate these guys who don't take the game seriously and don't change their lineup every day. [/b][/quote]So do I

So here's the sad story. Sad for me, anyway.

The GF and I went out last night about 6:00 PM to meet some friends at their place in the city and then go out to dinner. I hadn't change my team yet, because with the Balt-Bost game still going on, I didn't know if I'd still be in the lead when the game was over. If I was trailing, and by how much, would determine whether or not I tried to figure which PS DB would take today (based on the fact that he was now in the lead) and maybe take a different one, or, if DB was second (and by how much) try to figure out if he was far enough behind to be "unpredictable", or if he was close enough to be less unpredictable, and try to figure out which PS he would take in either of those conditions, and pick the same one.

Also, it was my intention, to the extent that it was reasonable and possible, to try and use offensive players from the six teams who still might be playing meaningful games today, but because their games weren't over yet when I went out, I didn't know which teams they would be.

So we get home about 11:30, I take care of a few preliminaries around the house, and sit down and start doing my "research".

The way I do it does takes about 10 minutes, and I'm about halfway through when I hear a voice from the bedroom:

"Paaaaauuuul.....Are you on the computer again?"

Now, it's impossible to give intonation to words that you write, so I can only describe her tone. It was kinda like the one a mother would use on her bad boy when she was asking him if he had just raided the cookie jar.

Well, to make a long and rather painful story shorter at this point, a lovely little argument ensued in which I was accused of being obsessed and compulsive about the internet in general and fantasy sports in particular, and I, in my defense, accused her of being compulsive about neatness, which culminated in her throwing the can of my bathroom room spray off the terrace when I told her how crazy it made me that the can always had to be on top of my box of baby wipes, never next to it, and how, god forbid, if I ever didn't leave it on top, she would be sure to put it there.

Now. Any of you guys who are reading this that are or ever were married or in a live-in relationship with a female, know that women argue with emotion and men argue with facts. Also, as you might guess, I'm a pretty good "arguer" (or at least I think I am). So 45 minutes or so later (now about 12:30) I've pretty much gotten the best of it and calmed her down.

Except, now two rather large problems presented themselves:

1) If, after sucessfully arguing that I am not compulsive or obsessed, I look like a real fucking idiot if I go back to the computer now, and

2) She's looking for "make-up sex"

For those of you guys who are not or have never been in a steady relationship, "make-up sex" is one the major benefits of an argument.

I first heard the term on a Seinfeld episode, when Jerry mentions it to George, and George asks, in his rather bemused way, "They have that?"

Well, they really do "have that", and it's usually hotter and more passionate than "regular" sex, because both parties are in the throes of emotion after the argument.

So, I take care of that little bit of business, but I'm still faced with the first problem and now it's almost 1:00 AM.

And since women like a bit of cuddling after the act, I'm really up the creek now.

So I roll the dice. I figure I'll lie there and try to stay awake for an hour or so and then sneak out, or, I'll fall asleep and my usually reliable internal alarm clock will wake me up by 3:00 AM in time to change my team.

I pretty much had no choice.

Well, you can easily figure out what happened. I woke up all right, but not until 3:08.

So that's my tale of woe. I tell it not because I seek sympathy (God knows I won't get any here), but as a form of catharsis and from the possibly misguided notion that a few of you may be interested.

I have no one to blame for my predicament but myself. I almost always change my team in the daytime, and tweak it late at night if any tweaking is necessary, and I should have done so yesterday.

But not knowing if I'd be playing "defense" against DB, or "offense", coupled with the fact that I wanted to try and use only players from games that counted and I didn't know which games they would be, made me think that picking a team early in the day would be a waste of time, so I didn't.

Now I can only cross my fingers and hope that my 32 point lead holds up.

"Difficult....not impossible"