Well, DB, my Most Worthy Adversary, here we go....

I chose a pitching staff yesterday and tailored my offense around it. You went "counter" to the accepted wisdom, selected an offense, and then picked your PS based on that.

Good thing for me that TB scored those three runs in the bottom of the 8th and pulled out the second game win, otherwise you'd probably be sitting at the top of the pile this morning. If you wind up losing this thing by less than 15 or so, we'll be able to point to that half-inning as the key to the whole second half.

You clobbered me twice in the last three days to get right back in this thing, and I'm looking forward to an exciting finish. Maybe we'll finally get one of those "It will come down to the very last day" deals.

I'd love to look at our whole history and figure out how many three day periods there were when you beat me by more than 16 points, but that's probably a full day's work and, sadly, I won't have the time.

So, here's to 'ya, MWA .

I'd say "May the best man win", but as I said at the end of the first half, who wins proves nothing, as we seem to be incredibly evenly matched. Now, we each have three opportunities left and I predict that the winner will be whoever has the highest diaily score the next 3 days, or the loser will be whoever has the lowest.

In other words, one of us will put it away with a really good day, or one of us will blow it with a really bad one.

Which? And who? Tune in Sunday night, sports fans.

"Difficult....not impossible"