Wll, DB, as we head into the last week with you trailing by 101 points, I thought I'd brighten up your Monday by trying to figure out what the chances were of you catching me.

The best way I could think of to figure it was to look at how may times since we began playing last year did one of us beat the other head-to-head by more than 100 points.

I threw out the first 10 weeks of last season, because at that point you already trailed me by more than 400, and I think you were still kind of feeling your way around.

But since that point, I think the difference between us has been less than 100 points, with me ahead.

That's over a period of 36 weeks.

Anyway, the results were interesting. Out of the 36 weeks I looked at, you beat me head-to-head in 23 of them, but 18 of those 23 times it was by less than 40 points. Seven times it was by less than ten points.

Here are the complete results:

             # Times     # Times
Margin      PL Won By   DB Won BY
 1-10                       7
11-20                       3
21-30           3           4
31-40           3           4
41-50           2           1
51-60                       1
61-70           1
71-80           2           1
81-90                       2
91-100          1
141-150         1
(Note: I only included "seven day weeks", eliminating the two long weeks following the all-star breaks both years, and this season's long first week).

It has been remarkably close between us, with 24 of the 36 weeks decided by less than 40 points.

But most significant, IMO, is the fact that in more than a season and a half, there's only been one occasion when either one of us beat the other by more than 100.

I think I'll go put the champagne on ice.

"Difficult....not impossible"