Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
Bad News JGeoff

Ari vs Col was postponed.
(You all know what's coming here, right guys?)....


Doubleheaders are very important in this game, young feller.

The potential for a day in which you get "double points" if you pick the right players and PS is very real.

Naturally, if you and I are battling it out with each other, and you know about a postponement which I missed, and that postponement leads to a doubleheader, let's say tomorrow, and I don't realize it, why, you have a big advantage over me, don't you?

Now, you're not playing with the kids in the park here. But some of us (I'm not gonna mention names; FS, SC, CB, and MC know who they are) pay less attention to what's going on than others do.

In other words, if you know about a postponement and a subsequent doubleheader not on the schedule, or an injury, or anything else that might be an advantage to you if no one else knows about it....


We all love each other here, but this game is decidedly NOT about sharing information.

:p :rolleyes:
(Enough emoticons, Crabby?)

"Difficult....not impossible"