Friday Official Scores & Saturday's Probable Pitchers
PL  2928  74  3002    Cubs   Zambrano  13-8   2.89  
DB  2906  77  2983    Cubs
JG  2724  72  2796    Cubs
CC  2686  91  2777    Cubs
CB  2520  18  2538    Mets   Trachsel  10-13  4.13
SC  2333  79  2412*   Ariz   Randolph   2-4   5.02
FS  2337  72  2409    Yanks  Hernandez  7-0   2.62
MC  2129  14  2143    Yanks
Three good races shaping up as we head towards the final three weeks, with only CB and MC seemingly locked into their positions and with nothing to play for, although both SC and FS are looking to pass CB as they battle among themselves.

23 days to go.....

"Difficult....not impossible"