plaw says "The All-Important Battle For The Overall Points Title"

I'm still trying to figure out what's so important.

Things I Don't Think I Think....I Think.

1. Fantasy Baseball doesn't affect world politics.
2. I found another example for obsessive compulsive behavior, well, close.
3. I'm always lucky at picking things that win me big dollars.
4. Women find me more attractive when I tell them that I'm a member of the Gangster BB.
5. Most people prefer amateur sports to professional.
6. Cigarettes will go the way of the passenger pigeon.
7. Derek Jeter will publicly announce that Alex Rodriguez was the cause of his early-season slump.
8. The Giants will win the Super Bowl this season.
9. George Steinbrenner will marry that Hilton girl.
10. Crabby will win the All Important..whatever.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12