Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
PS: Bethie...

Um, your avatar?

Um, is it just me or is the background of Vinny's picture pink???!!!

I'm thinking Glamour Shots at the mall

In my best Ahnold: He looks like a girly man!

Nothing wrong with a man in touch with his feminine side I guess.

Depends how often he touches it.
Is it pink? I hadn't noticed. DB was a cheapo and only gave me a "loaner" pic. You notice his pic of Jessica is still going strong.

I like a guy who dresses in pink. Shows they're ok with their masculinity. But if he wants a feminine side to touch I know where he can whip some up at.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.