HALF-YEAR RESOLUTIONS (Fantasy Baseball Edition)

1 - I will miss one more DH this year to make the race more exciting (and then blame it on a power failure :p ).
2 - I will go to more Cubbies games, with a special interest in the Cubbies vs. Marlins series in September. Remember, whoever comes to the game with me will have to pick the Marlins as their PS for that day (while I pick the Cubbies) just to make the game more interesting.
3 - I will try the MC route once - pick all the players from one team (if possible) for one day.
4 - If I ever get to any of your neck of the woods - I will let my fantasy buds know so we can go out and watch a ballgame (or whatever strange place Crabby takes me to!).
5 - I will talk more trash in haiku.

Here's the first one:

Too Little, Too Late
You Have Buffy's Pitching Staff
Bye, bye Mr. Pork

6 - I will once again prove myself as a 2nd half player (which we all know, is the half that counts anyway).