Originally posted by fathersson:
Oh Horse BALLS!

Hell, summer is here, the weather is great and this game has dropped on my things to do list the last few weeks.

I would GLADLY sit down with you and compare social calenders. And I would win

Magnolia Queen, you ain't. You aren't doing so shabby so don't act so nonchalant about playing well. You've earned it - and if you can shuffle a rich social life with it all, more power to ya.

For some of us, this game is a hobby - just like playing golf, shooting pool, singing karaoke or going to the movies. As long as you have fun, that is all that matters. Some of us ARE more competitive than some, but what game or sport is worth playing if there isn't a LITTLE something at stake?

Maybe I should call FS my "most worthy adversary"?

That is, at least until after the All-Star Break. Then all bets are off.

In my best Mommie Dearest voice: Don't fuck with me boys...this ain't my first rodeo!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....