10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King)

1 - What's up guys. This is coming one day late. I had a business trip yesterday, so I couldn't log in. Delaware is b-o-r-i-n-g.

2 - What?? No congrats on the Fantasy Golf - Best Ball thread??

3 - The Cubbies have been playing great recently. They got a big series against the Cards starting today and this weekend, its Cubs vs. White Sox. An exciting slate of games...

4 - Noted absences recently... Crabby, BDD, FS... Where you guys at??

5 - 4 weeks left until the end of the 1st half... Exciting races to watch (within 100 points) - PL vs DB for 1st place; FS vs LD vs SC for 4th place; barely-playing MC vs non-playing IM for 7th (We know, we know MC - you are using the 1st half as a tune-up)

6 - My overall ranking is 244. The following is my prediction for everyone elses overall ranking...

PL - 122
DB - 244
JG - 976
FS - 8174
LD - 8175
SC - 11102
MC - 47458

I'll be wrong by some because they round our percentile only to the tenth place.

7 - Wake up Buffy, Crabby, and Bad Daddy. #6 wasn't that boring! :p

8 - Once again, you guys know I'm a nerd.

9 - JG... you want to ease off the gas a little bit. Your lights are starting to show on my rear view mirror!

10 - If I can get in the top #100 by the end of the first half, I'll be happy. That's pretty good for 122,000+ total players.