Originally posted by plawrence:
Plenty of time for this drivel, but not enough time to play?
Drivel ??

Wow that was hurtful - will take me a while to recover from that.

Well that was faster than I thought.

Granted this 'drivel' may not have the excitment and thought provoking elegance that your PS stats posts do

Oh sorry, dozed off there thinking about them.

Anyway I'll try this again - abit SLOWER this time. I never said I have no time to play, I said my internet time during the day is very limited now. I could still make some changes but they won't be good BUT that was not the reason I stopped. I stopped because as my online time during the day is tight I don't have a chance to come on and 'bond' with my Peeps. That was the fun part for me - the trash talking. Hell just playing the game and not being able to talk about it is pretty boring - it's not fun playing with yourself.

Oh and two more month's to the draft.
We can block off four more days :rolleyes:

And regarding Crabby's question about that I don't understand her. I was just posting for DB, he was the one that said he couldn't understand her. As for myself, I never read what she writes so I don't have that problem. :p