Originally posted by SC:
edit: DB lost a point somewhere. Official score has him at 2884
I hate when that happens...
2 - LA vs. Milwaukee... Go Brew Crew!
3 - Analysis of pitching stats from Monday... It's weird... I have more wins than plaw, but not nearly enough to account for my pitching point lead for the season. He also has a lower ERA. I must have a lot more K's, and given up less hits and walks.
4 - After PS, I spend the most time picking catcher.
5 - I am in a rotisserie fantasy baseball league where I am currently 7th out of 12 people. My roster looks like an infirmary. I have 6 people on the DL with only two DL spots available. Ugggh.
6 - I am currently reading The Sicilian right now. Really good so far.
7 - My first trip to Las Vegas next week. I'm really looking forward to it.
8 - Mark Prior coming back from DL. Now the Cubs season begins.
9 - Anybody make any foolish holiday weekend purchases? Unfortunately, I didn't - although I was giving a particular plasma screen a really long look.
10 - To Buffy and Crabby, welcome back to the land of the living! Hope you two didn't give any pool boys a hard time (like you said you were going to!)