Originally posted by J Geoff:
If you didn't say anything, no one else would've known...

WEDNESDAY (Unofficial)

DB 2582  C.C. }
PL 2580  C.C. } We're trying this again, huh?
JG 2327  C.C. }
FS 2062  Colon 
SC 2033  CSox 
LD 1971  C.C. } Oh, well... there goes that plan. lol
MC 1748  Colon 
Dear Commish,
7 names, but I'm in 8th place. Is the 7th place guy just beating me on a pick he did a month ago? If so, I really suck.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12