Here's where we get interesting...

PL - Fordyce, Millar, Bellhorn, Mueller, Lugo, Manny, Damon, (Tucker), Ortiz

DB - Mirabelli, Millar, Bellhorn, Mueller, Lugo, Manny, Damon, (Dellucci), Ortiz

BD - Hall, (Thome), Bellhorn, Mueller, Lugo, Manny, Damon, Perez, (Lawton)

JG - Mirabelli, Tino, Bellhorn, Mueller, Lugo, Manny, Baldelli, Cruz Jr, Ortiz

FS - Varitek, (Wilson), Bellhorn, Mueller, Lugo, (Mench), (Byrnes), (Dye), Ortiz

SC - (Molina), Millar, Reese, (Spiezio), (Guillen), Manny, Damon, (Mondesi), (Harvey)

LD - Hall, Tino, Bellhorn, Mueller, Lugo, Manny, Damon, (Dellucci), Huff

IM - (Olivo), Millar, Bellhorn, Mueller, (Guillen), (White), (Nix), (Dye), (Salmon)

MC - Millar, et al.

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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