Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Wow, a lot of people picked Florida today... Makes me think I made the wrong choice.
You know DB sometimes a few of us just have to make the easy pick. Understand what I mean. Take myself for example - it's about having fun, if I put a lot of thought into my picks than I can't do the other things in life that I enjoy. And those could include - But not limited to;

the beautiful weather
a walk in the bright sunshine
the sight of lovely ladies
the smell of cut grass
the sounds of the bird singing
the sight of squirels racing up a tree
taking time with my special lady and cuddling up to a good TV show
the smell of the fireplace
sitting outback with music and looking at the stars
having a sip of my favorite drink
sharing a good meal with friends

If I spend all my time on fantasy sports than I would not be able to spend enough time on all of those things listed above and I suggest you do the same my young friend before you find yourself all burned out at an early age. Oh and if don't like this - than kiss my A$$ :p

Here I'll help you

Oh and Buffy, yes it is nice - doing my best Austin Powers impression

But wait, you are so far down there you can't really see it can you? - but you can ask FS or SC to give you the details, they can both see it now. And Pork will be getting a full view of it soon enough Ewww, I don't like the sound of that at all.

Ohh in my best Rober Duval voice - there ain't nothing better than the sound of trash talking early on a Friday morning.