Originally posted by SC:
[quote]Originally posted by Irishman12:
[b] SC, I gotta ask, what are you doing picking the Mets anyway? I mean, I like them but they don't have the run support to help them win a lot of games. Nor are their pitches the best in the NL.
Tom Glavine, their starting pitcher has great stats this season (so far) and they're going against a marginal team (Montreal). Ya gotta figure Glavine will hold the opponent to a run, or two (which he did) and just hope the Mets will outscore them (which they didn't). Still, 20 points ain't too bad for a losing staff.

Don't go by me....my pitching choices this year have sucked. [/b][/quote]The Mets fan lament. I heard this observation on the radio yesterday: there's not one player on the Mets who would start for the Yankees.

SC if your pitching choices suck then mine are in a vacuum. 18 pts of offense last night and my pitcher gets rained out. Boy am I having fun!!

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12