Originally posted by Paulie^Walnuts:

and for some reason in PartIII when Vince shoots Zasa in the back and before he rides off on the horse just says "Zasa" and then takes off. Something about the way he says it makes me laugh.
haha yeah I laugh at that too! Vince just seems so calm and happy about killing Joey Zasa that he says "Joey" before he kills him and "Zasa" afterwards.

Also how Zasa's big crew member, Squiguilari dies. The KKK lookin' guy during the march in New York City is really a Mafia guy, takes out a shotgun, and blasts Squig right in the chest, and more than once I think.
Violence can be a funny thing.

And the deleted scene where Don Fannuci gets his throat cut is pure laughter! He's running around with like some white tray he's holding and making gagging noises while DeNiro just watches. It takes a while for Fannuci to get down the steps, cause for some reason, he runs around like a headless chicken before he goes down the steps.
Anyone with the DVD who knows what I'm talking about can agree.

l'amante di violenza.

Cubano y Italiano.

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