OMG!!! Big Daddy is back!!!

Wow, I don't check this site for almost a whole day and look, it is chaos!

Bet he joined just to say hello to his Sports Goddess.

Oh wait. That was last season/different sport. :rolleyes:

Some sports goddess :rolleyes: ...near the bottom of the barrel, the dregs, the basement. Oh the humanity. And by the way....thanks Bad Daddy. Wasn't I in 6th place until you came along?????? Now I am in 7th (at last count before tonight).

Hmmm, well all this talk of stinky Colon, um, guess you know where you can find your welcome back from me......

Seriously...welcome back. But only a wuss would wait 10 days to join. C'mon, you got the memo, JUST like everyone else!!!! :p

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....