Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
A couple of things...

- IM is Irishman12, correct??

- We have been playing this game too long. I looked at the PS of the top 4 and I just started laughing. Plaw, odds that we all have the same PS tomorrow??

Tomorrow is a little tougher, I think. Odds are about 15-1, I'd say.

Odds that PL, JG, DB, LD are the top four in some order or another by the end of the season? 3-5.

Odds that the four of us are the only players to pick a team every single day? 1-20.

Odds that the four of us are the only players who even last the entire season? Even money.

The next FS post when he talks about having fun, and not caring about winning, and what an old grouch I am? Priceless.

"Difficult....not impossible"