Originally posted by DonEthereal_313:
MaryCas - we calle it the grapevine, but it's been noted the...umm...akward positioning of body parts...

Tonight is our shot at the Regional Championship. If we win that, it's off to States!!!

-Don Ethereal
Yeah, I never thought the angles were quite right, but it can be used as a set up move for .... the real pin.

Good luck in your regionals. Sad news from Seaford Long Island in NY. After their divisional tournament, 5 wrestlers were out at a diner for a much needed bite to eat. They had a road-rage incident that ended up with their car hitting several cars and a utility pole. One passenger (wrestler) was killed, one critical, three injured, including the driver. It turns out another driver yelled at them to turn their headlights on. They took offense....and,

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12