It's a sport that currently has no recognition in our culture over here which is a shame because i've always been intrigued in it ever since seeing AC Slater in Saved By the Bell wrestle.

Yes, we do have the WWF broadcast over here but I know that's what you definately don't mean.

I do have a question though. I once had a conversation with some Americans on the Steelers message board debating what this random person should learn as a martial art. I suggested a few, I've only studied boxing and kickboxing. But most notably I suggested boxing because of it's relevance on the street. Anyway, someone mentioned wrestling as a great self defense technique. I didn't believe it at first but he convinced me in cases where fights hit the floor, it's a useful tool to know.

Is it relevant as a self defense technique? The only flaw I can see in it is the fact a fight is hardly ever one on one. Which means you can't afford to be putting people in submission moves.

So die all who betray Giuliano