Something I could never understand:

Nothing personal against you people who support Real Madrid, Milan, and other teams that are from other cities/countries than you, but how do you do it?

How do you feel passion for a team representing other people, other places, other traditions than your own?

I support Malmö FF, because I'm from Malmö, and the team represents our town. We can walk proudly when they win. We, the fans, can feel we have participated in the victory, since our support gave the players inspiration when it comes to dedication and loyalty to the club. We love the club because we ARE the club.

Though I can accept that someone likes to watch for example Real Madrid. I certainly do that myself. They play entertaining football. But I do in no way support them.

So tell me, please, how can you feel for teams like Juventus, Milan, Real Madrid?

This is not critisism, it is mearly a question about something I don't understand. Maybe it's just that I don't define the word "support" the same way some of you do?

Pro Scania et Libertum