I think the salary cap would hurt him (not as much as the Yankees), b/c they have the 2nd highest payroll in baseball, behind the Yanks. This guy is unbelievable. He's playing the same kind of baseball Steinbrenner is (which is buy all the good players), and he's complaining. When he shouldn't be complaining about a salary cap, he shouldn't be complaining at all! He had A-Rod, and then he gave him away. He should just SHUT UP!

Another thing about this whole salary cap thing, I'm against it for many reasons & here's one very good one. Sure the Yanks are probably the only team this year to pay the luxury tax (which is a crock). But do the owners of the teams who get this money (such as Pittsburgh or Kansas City), actually put the money they receive from King George & put it back into the team! NO!! They pocket it for themselves. Reason #2, buying the best players in baseball DOES NOT guarantee that the Yankees will win the World Series (look at the last 3 teams to win it all). Finally, my last reason is other teams spend a lot of money, just look at Texas' contract on A-Rod (and did they win?). So, just because you spend a lot of money, doesn't mean that you're even going to win. Baseball is a hard game and the players still have to go out there and win those games. I'm TOTALLY against ANY kind of "salary" cap rule in baseball! But just wait for Commissioner Bud Selig to act like himself & screw Baseball up even more!