I know it's not even February yet but here I go. With the exception of third base (now that Boone is out), the Yanks will definatly have the best lineup in Baseball:

C Posada
1B Giambi
2B Soriano
3B Wilson/Henson
SS Jeter
RF Sheffield
CF Lofton
LF Matsui
DH Williams

I think the Pitching all around is better than last year (yes, even without The Rocket, Pettite, and Wells). Mussina will be the ace, Contreras could win 20+ games, Kevin Brown is still a dominant pitcher. Lieber and Vazquez are the 4th and 5th starters. The mid-relief and set-up men positions is still a little shaky to me, but a hell of a lot better than last year. And of course they have the best closer in the leauge with Rivera. So to me, it looks like the Yankees will make another appearence in the World Series.

My Prediction: Yanks vs. Cubs
Winner: Yanks in 6