Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]... it might have been directed at any of the following members (besides myself, of course) who joined in August 2002...
It was directed at anyone to whome it applies. Why play favorites at a time like this?

Recently (about 2 months ago) I got a 'private' e-mail from another 'old timer' (and another well known 'Don') lamenting at what has happened to this Board, where have all the 'normal' people gone...and that for the most part all that remains is "grammar school like subjects", "silly word games", "half a brain posts", and... "giving each other high five's for reaching some dumb post count"...usually as a result of one of the above. This old timer 'Don' mentioned that the list is now full of "young kids with chips on their shoulders with little or no life at all."

At the time I hadn't posted or even visited the site in a while and thought I'd take a look. Recent visits have proven that communication quite accurate.

Aside from all that, we're now asked to play nice with the newbies; apparently ignoring the fact that is was another relative 'newbie' who originally posted 'Hello, it's called a MOVIE' in response to the brilliant theory that began this topic.

So y'know what, Don Cardi? Go ahead and attract new members for many different reasons, and enjoy what you get. I'll happily step aside again and spare myself from the urge to make condescending remarks and "...correct these children who post half truths and want to argue rather then discuss subjects..." (oh, yeah that's another quote from my old-timer buddy).

Meanwhile, I'll also spare you the urge to scold, close threads and delete 'hostile' posts.

Enjoy the Board, everyone!!

And I want everyone here to know there's gonna be no trouble from me.

Cicci -- a port'!

[Linked Image]


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.