He finds it odd that "...in The Godfather Part III that not only does it take place in the wrong year 1979 as opposed to 1978...".

He also finds it odd that "...the Cardinal that becomes Pope John Paul I not only doesn't look like the real John Paul I but also has a different name..."

He points out that, "... In the movie in 1979 Pope Paul VI died and then Cardinal Lamberto was elected to become Pope John Paul I and then he died about a month later at the hands of the Archbishop. In real life Pope Paul VI died and on August 26, 1978, Cardinal Albino Luciani was elected to become Pope John Paul I and then died of natural causes on September 28, 1978 33 days after being elected..."

Then, he ponders "....why history was changed?..."

He closes by theorizing that it was " ...Probably to protect the image of John Paul I but then again being his reign was so short it has been suspected that he was murdered anyways."

Then he asks for "...Any Thoughts?...".

Some simple question.

I still go along with olivant.
However if anyone does prefer the more civilized response...then Lollies post is worth looking at as well.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.