Originally posted by Pippi De Lena:
...I in no way figured that what happened with Pope John Paul I in the movie was the same as what happened to him in real life. I was just simply curious but I figured that the writers changed the historical account either ...
If you realize that what happened to the Pope in GFIII is not what happened in real life...then how can you be curious as to why the writers of fictional movie would 'change' a historical account? Or that they would change the year?

What happens in GFIII is clearly a fictional story, based very loosely on historical fact. Happens all the time in cinema. And on TV too - most notably on Law & Order where MANY episodes are written right from the headlines yet are still able to be depicted as fictional events. rolleyes

I go along with olivant's response....which in comparison to alot I've seen on this Board is FAR from un-civil.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.