Where is Big Daddy when you need him?

Ok, I will do my best at an impression. Who is this:


That BIAAAAATCH "SorryAss" Soriano!! Who the hell goes 0-4 in the last game of the championship?? And that Jerk-off Wells, what was up with THAT inning??!! You coulda blinked and missed it if not for replaying Ortiz's homerun 50 times....!!!

(..and many more expletives I cannot type here...)


Time will tell. An inning and a half more, Yank Me's down by 3. Anything can happen...

Sorry Pork. But I think in this thread the only person REALLY happy with the outcome this year is SC. I'll root for the Marlins if only because of NL and AAA......

but I WON'T have my game face on for the World Series.

EDIT: Just as this post was posting, YankMe's only down by 2. Perhaps my game face is on and I dont even know it!! Perhaps if I keep talking, the runs will just stampede in!

EDIT PT 2: Bethie, Mussina is 2nd in my book only to Karros...better watch what you say, girlfriend! :p

EDIT PT 3: Ok, Tie Game baby. Don't worry, I am not gonna keep this up :p

It is the proverbial crap shoot now......

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....