Originally posted by Beth E:
I just wanna know whay plaw needs to go into the bedroom just to ask her if she had a nice day?
Excuuuuuuse me Mrs. Cleaver?

Gone are the days when most women ran greeting their man at the door with a stiff drink and a hug and peck. Some women prefer the come-hither approach when the men find them in the house(especially if the toenails are still drying )

Me, I am old fashioned. I still greet mine with a good old leaping body slam, sans stiff drink.

What plaw needs to realize is when it is sports season (when is it NEVER sports season?) one should find a way to "make nice" in the morning before work. So you are late to work 3 or 4 days a week. Eat lunch at your desk.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....