Originally posted by plawrence:
I throw a coupla slices in the oven and go in the bedroom to make nice to the GF while the pizza heats up.
When you say 'make nice' does that mean sex ?

And if so when you say "throw a coupla slices in the oven' does that mean 30 seconds in the microwave? :p

Anyway getting back to business. I was really rooting for the Scrubbies. I can't believe they lost 3 in a row and given up 8 and 9 runs in the last 2 games with Prior and Wood

At this point they should just get rid of the Cubs. It is obvious they are destined to NEVER get to the Series, let the players go and have a chance to get there elsewhere and stop tormenting the poor Cubs fans - to build their hopes up only to break their hearts.

Hey at least you still have Da Bears to root for DB - oh and the Bulls :rolleyes:

OK - let's go BOSOX