Un-friggin-real. I am speechless. I am without words.

I could describe it by numbers like I usually do.

Getting punched in the stomach - times 100
Losing a loved one - times 1/2
Unrequited love - times 20

You know that uneasy helpless feeling you get when you get two outs on the opposing team in an inning, then one of your fielders commits an error and a whole bunch of runs score and they are all unearned.

That was game seven for me. For nine straight innings (plus the ninth inning from game six).

It's that feeling times 100 since it was a playoff game. A Game 7 to go to the World Series.

The closest to describing it is how I felt after the Bills came back on the Oilers, erasing a 32 point lead in two quarters. I still remember the missed calls on that one. Railroaded.

Five outs. That's all we needed. Five friggin' outs. I can count that on one hand. Too bad one more win was not within reach of that proverbial hand.

It sucks to be so emotionally invested into this thing. I'll put things into perspective later on- after all, it is just a baseball game. For now, I'll choose to feel bad.

Sorry for venting.

(But you know what, I KNOW there's at least one guy feeling worse. Much, much worse. I hope no one is stupid and tries to harm him.)